Do you have a domain name for your website? If not, what do you want the website to be called?
It is not always easy to find the right name for a website, but often the name of the company, or your own name, is used. If you don't know exactly what you want to call your website, take some time to find the best domain name. It should be as descriptive as possible, be short and easy to remember and not contain special characters or æ, ø or å.
However, the name of the website does not have to be exactly the same as the domain name. My company name is e.g. Annec Design, while the domain name is
Look around the web to see if there are many websites with similar names, and find a new one, if that's the case.
Check if the name/domain is vacant and any variations such as abbreviations, with or without hyphens between, etc.
Once you find the right name, you can order it yourself, or let me do it for you.
If you want to buy the domain yourself, Domainshop very neat and straightforward to deal with. Take good care of the username and password you get at Domeneshop, as it is necessary to publish your website.
When you order a domain, so don't book web hosting in addition. I'll fix that for you.
You can read more about domains here.