Do I need to pay extra for SEO?

It is important to search engine optimization (SEO) your website so that it gets as high on searches on Google as possible, but is it so important that you have to pay someone to do it for you?

The answer is not a clear yes or no.

There is a lot you can do yourself in order for your website to be found online. But the most important thing is to write as much relevant text as you can. The more information your website contains, the more “hooks Google has to hang it on”. More words means it is found for more words than one with little text. A rich website in turn leads to more people finding it, and more visitors give Google a signal that it is a popular website. And then the snowball starts rolling.

It's also important to have as good a meta title and meta description as possible, because that's the very first thing web surfers see when they get the results after a search. Here you will find a good article on metadata

There are many people who offer to search engine optimize your website, and if you don't have time to get into it or take care of it yourself, paying to have someone do it for you can be a solution.

However, no matter how well you optimize your website, with text, meta descriptions, keywords, links, etc., there is no way to “trick” Google and Bing into ranking your website right up than others. There is no guarantee, no matter what you do, that your page will rank higher than thousands of others with the same theme.

It may be more useful to pay for ads on Google than for SEO.

Read more about SEO here:

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